Rajiv is a part-time Chartered Accountant and a full-time farmer and earns more from farming than his chartered accountancy firm says “Drip irrigation is the best way to reduce water wastage and labour cost, while mulching is nothing but a thin layer of plastic in which holes are made to put the seeds. This restores the sun rays for a long time and retains humidity of the soil. It also restricts the growth of weeds around the main crop,”
We are Agriculture Farm
Acreland has more than 1000 acres of land under cultivation in U.P and Madhya Pradesh. The company is proficiently spreading its wings into agribusiness that is close to our Mother Nature. Acreland has succeeded in promoting contract farming by collaborating with land owners via contract farming arrangements.
Few of our project involves in agricultural production being carried out on the basis of an agreement between Acreland and the land owners. Under this agreement, the farm owner agrees to lease out the land to Acreland, which undertakes farming activities focused on the quality standards and delivery requirements of the corporate purchasers who have tied up with Acreland. The Land owner receives a revenue share, from the revenue generated through sale of Agricultural produce to the corporate buyers.
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Tel.: 011-25500428