Rajiv is a part-time Chartered Accountant and a full-time farmer and earns more from farming than his chartered accountancy firm says “Drip irrigation is the best way to reduce water wastage and labour cost, while mulching is nothing but a thin layer of plastic in which holes are made to put the seeds. This restores the sun rays for a long time and retains humidity of the soil. It also restricts the growth of weeds around the main crop,”
Financial Benefits
(A) Security of Your Investment: Land is registered in your name. This gives 100% security to your investment.
(B) Maximum Capital Appreciation: Our all lands are strategically located. Hence we can assume a very good capital appreciation in the value of the land. This appreciation in the land value is yours.
(C) Safe and Regular Return On Your Investment: The annual return that you get from your agricultural land is tax free.
(D) State and Central government schemes extended to the farmers can be availed by the investor, which include:
1) Tax free income from Agricultural activities
2) Kissan credit card
3) Loan for construction of Farm house
Company Skills
The Crops
Fresh Vegatables
Different Livestock
Modern Technique
Farm Factory
What People Says
Registered Office : C-4, community centre, Pankha Road, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110045
Tel.: 011-25500428